Mobile: 202-439-3378
Office: 703-759-4560
Toll free: 888-528-0988 x11
Fax: 703-348-4603
Email: [email protected]
Thomas “Tom” Lynch is the Continental Properties Principal Broker for both Maryland and Virginia. During his 46 years of real estate he has successfully taught thousands of sales agents and brokers in Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.
Tom is an expert witness for both real estate agents and consumers in all three regional courts as well as the Federal court system. His most famous client is The Department of Justice.
In addition to serving as a consultant to large Property Management firms and Independent Real Estate Brokerages; Tom is also the author of Chapter 5 “Housing the Aids Victim” in a law book titled The Medical and Legal Issues of Aids, published by Wiley Law.
Licenses: District of Columbia, Maryland & Virginia
Languages: English and "New York"